19.4. Using Google Colab
Open the notebook in Colab
Open the notebook in Colab
Open the notebook in Colab
Open the notebook in SageMaker Studio Lab

We introduced how to run this book on AWS in Section 19.2 and Section 19.3. Another option is running this book on Google Colab, which provides free GPU if you have a Google account.

To run a section on Colab, you can simply click the Colab button to the right of the title of that section, such as in Fig. 19.4.1.


Fig. 19.4.1 Open a section on Colab

When it is the first time you execute a code cell, you will receive a warning message as shown in Fig. 19.4.2. You may click “RUN ANYWAY” to ignore it.


Fig. 19.4.2 The warning message for running a section on Colab

Next, Colab will connect you to an instance to run this notebook. Specifically, if GPU is needed, such as when invoking the d2l.try_gpu() function, we will request Colab to connect to a GPU instance automatically.

19.4.1. Summary

  • You can use Google Colab to run each section of this book with GPUs.

19.4.2. Exercises

  1. Try to edit and run the code in this book using Google Colab.
