.. _sec_colab: Using Google Colab ================== We introduced how to run this book on AWS in :numref:`sec_sagemaker` and :numref:`sec_aws`. Another option is running this book on `Google Colab `__, which provides free GPU if you have a Google account. To run a section on Colab, you can simply click the ``Colab`` button to the right of the title of that section, such as in :numref:`fig_colab`. .. _fig_colab: .. figure:: ../img/colab.png :width: 300px Open a section on Colab When it is the first time you execute a code cell, you will receive a warning message as shown in :numref:`fig_colab2`. You may click "RUN ANYWAY" to ignore it. .. _fig_colab2: .. figure:: ../img/colab-2.png :width: 300px The warning message for running a section on Colab Next, Colab will connect you to an instance to run this notebook. Specifically, if GPU is needed, such as when invoking the ``d2l.try_gpu()`` function, we will request Colab to connect to a GPU instance automatically. Summary ------- - You can use Google Colab to run each section of this book with GPUs. Exercises --------- 1. Try to edit and run the code in this book using Google Colab. `Discussions `__